H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters – Film Review

This month’s bonus episode is a review of H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters, a film that resembles the dead mouse a cat has dropped at your feet. You might not have asked for it, but it’s here and we’re gonna have to do something about it.

The film starts off as a near carbon copy of Forks Over Knives before morphing into something else entirely. Suffice it to say, neither of us were prepared for what was to come. We’ll talk about this method of trojan horse advocacy and attempt to answer the most important question of all, what the hell is H.O.P.E. an acronym for?

You can watch the film for FREE on YouTube.

Feel free to leave your thoughts on the film in the comments below or sending us an email at TheBeardedVegans@gmail.com


Santoro’s (Bethlehem, PA)

V Street (Philadelphia, PA)