A Tale Of Two Lawsuits

In this patron-exclusive bonus episode we discuss two very different lawsuits and their potential effect on animals and the vegan community. First up, The Herbivorous Butcher tried to trademark “Vegan Butcher” and were denied. Six weeks later Nestle/Sweet Earth applied for the same trademark and it was granted. While the ensuing legal battle is only heating up, we’ll do our best to speculate wildly on what’s going on here. Then, after much prompting for the beardos, we discuss the lawsuit being filed against Burger King for not properly disclosing that the Impossible Whopper is cooked on a shared grill. Is this an appropriate action or does it make vegans look silly? Why not both?

This episode is available exclusively to all our amazing beardos that are supporting us here on Patreon. THANK YOU so much for the support! Please let us know what topics you’d like us to cover for bonus episodes in the future.

The Links:

The Herbivorous Butcher takes on Nestlé in David and Goliath trademark battle (Star Tribune)

A Vegan Sued Burger King Over Its ‘Impossible Whopper.’ He Has a Point. (Yahoo Finance)

Does Suing Burger King Over The Impossible Whopper Make Vegan Sense? (Forbes)